You should be able to...
- ...describe what a computer is in general terms.
- ...explain why computers are so useful to us.
- ...explain why computers are so pervasive in today's world.
- ...justify the value of taking a course like COMP2203.
- ...describe the language that computers speak.
- ...explain why binary is the language of choice for computers.
- ...discuss the ramifications of the decision to use binary in computers.
- ...identify on sight the common ports found on today's personal computers.
- ...describe what purposes these common ports have.
- ...identify on sight common expansion cards.
- ...describe the purposes of these cards.
- ...explain the purpose of memory.
- ...explain the purpose of secondary storage.
- and contrast memory and secondary storage.
- ...modify the definition of computer to include the concepts of storage, input devices, output devices, and software.
- ...explain the purpose of microprocessors.
- ...provide an overview of the process used to create microprocessors.
- ...describe the steps of the machine cycle, incorporating the concepts of control unit and ALU.
- ...explain in simple terms how cache, clock speed, and word size effect the speed of CPUs.
- ...describe the challenges that face computer purchasers.
- and contrast the broad categories that software falls into in terms of legal use.
- ...explain what the different type of licenses are available, and be able to determine from a simple licensing scenario what kind of license makes the most financial sense.