Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Quiz information

As you know, there's a quiz in class on Monday (the 24th). I thought you might like a bit of info on it.
  • There will be 40 multiple-choice questions: 22 on the Hardware unit, 13 on the Software unit, and 5 on the Intro to Info Tech unit.
  • You will have 20 minutes to complete the quiz; the remainder of the class will be spent marking/debriefing.
  • You will need to bring an HB pencil and an eraser.
  • The quiz will be worth 5% of your final mark.
  • My multiple choice questions tend to be a bit challenging, as I feel it's important to test deeper understanding of concepts than simple rote memorization of definitions.
  • There will be no journal hand-in on the quiz day; I originally stated in the 3rd journal task that you should hand in your journal on the 24th - that was an error. Your journal is now due on October 1.